Random thoughts from a makeup artist, mother and wife.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Real Bride Tin Prima-Velasco: She Likes Them French! Bulldogs that is ;p

I met Tin through a referral by Dylan of Vatel Manila. She's a wonderful writer and enjoyed our conversations via email. She has a sweet disposition! The photo of my chair with my hands here in my blog are courtesy of her now husband Mike. Tin and Mike are so sweet and genuine. As you would know, I always talk about my son and Tin and Mike have been a gracious audience. Tin and Mike are proud parents of Timi. She is the most adorable thing! I've posted a photo of her below. Someday I'm gonna get me a French Bulldog too! 

P.S. Flowers are by Vatel Manila. And her dress is awesome too!  

Timi is so cute, isn't she?

Middle photo taken by yours truly, top and bottom by Jeff and Lisa Photography :)


  1. Hey, I didn't know about this! You just made this day even more aaaawwwwwsssooommmmeee!!! Mike and his team just won their basketball championship game here in the office. And us, reading this just made our smile way bigger, my face hurts... =) We love you Sam!!!
    P.S. I think, your wish for a frenchie is coming true soon.... =)

  2. Well, I just wrote the truth! I love you Velascos!
